This is a diary that I wrote when I was in Sweden:
Today has been the first day, the travel by plane has not been so heavy, maybe because I fell asleep.
Upon arriving we collected the bags and mine was broken. I complained and then we saw Thomas. We went on a train with many amenities. Once there, Natalie has come first and then the others, until arrive Antoula.
Her mother has collected us and she has shown me her house (very nice). We ate at 5.00pm!! And then she showed me the neighbourhood and a beautiful lake (awesome). About 9 o'clock we arrived at Daniela's house. There were Ile, Héctor, Sanja and Eloy watching the football match. I have had a great time.
I woke up and it was snowing. It has been a cold day. Antoula and I have been by car with her father to the high school and there we have been to the cafeteria. There we have played cards, then we ate at 10.00. People had dinner at 3.00 in a McDonals but I was not hungry and I ate with Antoula at 9.00 (she and her family is Greek so their meal schedule is different). The food was delicious. We have seen two museums. The firs one was a weapon and spying museum, the second one was a biology museum. It had a movie player or something like L'hemisferic of Valencia.
In Antoula's house, we have seen a film played by Jennifer Lopez, Morgan Freeman and Robert Redford called An Unfinished Life with some friends of Antoula's sister (Katherine, known as Katta). Also, we have see a kind of Swedish concert but we could not understand anything!
I have woke up and it is sunny! Here the weather changes a lot. Today, we have gone to a Spanish class and we have seen a video where appeared Mariví Bilbao. Everyone seemed stupefied talking. Then Eloy, Sara, Héctor and I went to a high level English class (it was so difficult, I could not understand anything). I have ate cereals, so at 3.00 I was hungry. We went to McDonals although then I had dinner in Antoula's home.
We have seen an ancient ship that was so nice, the guide spoke with us in Spanish and we saw more Spanish people. We also crossed a large lake in a boat. In the afternoon we drunk a tea in an Arab cafeteria that was so hippie and beautiful. We were the half of the group. At night we went to another cafeteria but it I did not have a good time.
I have woke up and it is sunny again!
We travel by boat to a small town. Outside the bout it was cold. In the town we have had lunch and then we have returned to Stockholm by bus. After, we went to a mall where we have bought some things (2 T-shits, glasses, a bikini...) then we had dinner at home and there were Katta's friends. They were asking me. What a shame! Then Antoula was the whole afternoon planing our night, finally we went to the same cafeteria that the other night but we were divided in two groups: Spanish people and Sweden people.
Today I have got up at 11.00! Yeah! When I woke up here Katta's friend was here. We have had dinner at 2.00 (finally a good hour for have lunch) with her and a mother's friend. There was an open holiday in Sweden and we did a traditional thing there. It consist in is break painted eggs to each other. All the food was sinfully good. After eating I saw the video and the pictures of Antoula when she was in Spain. In the afternoon we have gone to buy souvenirs and then home again but it the daughter of the Antoula's mother friend. Besides we ate at a normal hour. The we went to Heron City to the bowling and we had fun. Raúl, Johana, Nerea, Louise, Robban and Alex were not there.
Tomorrow the Swedish have an exam.
Today Antoula had a Spanish exam while we were on the computers chatting with our families. Then, we went to the centre of the city to visit it and to buy souvenirs. There we have had dinner (a pizza) and later we visited an immigration zone. We went to Robban's house. I had fun speaking with Ile and Cynthia.
Afterwards I went to Gregor's (Antoula's father) restaurant to eat typical Greek food. Everything was SO good. At night we went to a laser game and my gun did not work at all. Now Antoula is having a shower and the we are going to watch a film with Katta and a friend and to eat crêpes.
Today they have had an English exam and a few of us went to a beautiful lake to walk and to eat (allegedly) but finally we did not eat there. We went to the high school to watch a Spanish-Swedish football match (Spanish have won even if it seems impossible.)
Then at home I heard a Luis Fonsi song all afternoon (Antoula favorite singer) called "Imaginame sin ti" and I slept (I was very tired). Then we went to eat to the high school and there was a lot of food. Thomas has spoken and Raúl too (in from of everyone). Then, we went to a party. It was in a Johana's fathers fireman basement. We danced and drunk.