The Vatican is the richest country in the world. And because of that, I still don't understand why they have not given a single Euro of his fortune to the Haitians.
They need the money now and more than ever because their situation is very bad and tragic.
The Vatican has opened accounts only in order to collect money from the parishioners instead of use his own money. It seems like The Vatican has no money or he doesn't want to share it with the needy.
The fact is that I don't understand it. The Christians, well mostly The Vatican, should give example to the people and this behaviour is shameful and disappointing.
If they want to recruit some parishioners for their church, they should be better. Because if they follow this way their future will be darker and darker and darker...
When the Pope or any bishop go to Haiti and really help the victims I will believe in the church and his message.
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