Dear Santa Claus:
My first name is Irene. I am a girl and I am already 18 years old!!! I live in the great city of Valencia. Of course, that is in Spain, but I will bet knew that.
This year I have been so good that I should still be on the 'Nice' List.
Santa, I might like for Christmas some things:
-That the adults stop behaving like children.
-That the streets were places where one could take for a walk, be with your friends or leisure in general. No places to live.
-That money stops to be the most important thing in the world instead of feelings like happiness, friendship or health.
-That cease to exist the leeches who make use of the others.
-To feel more joy to find a beautiful landscape that a piece of paper with numbers.
-That men use words instead of fire weapons.
-That senseless conflicts don't exist.
-That there are no barriers or distinctions because all of we live under the same sun, we breathe the same air and we get wet with the same rain.
-That the word 'hunger' can not be used because that would mean that it no longer exists.
-That the empathy reborns stronger and we can see through the eyes of the others.
-That we make love not war and the violence disappears.
-That we stop creating the greenhouse effect and learn to appreciate the impermanence of things. Because it is in those moments (when we lose things) when we truly understand its value. Won't be better enjoying them while still exists?
-That we do not have to cover our children eyes when we are watching the news on television.
-To learn to forgive
-To learn to coexist
-That the day after tomorrow I can get a job and be valued.
-A really Santa Claus that could do everything that I asked for.
And a blue and pretty dress for my doll.
P.S. Santa Claus, I almost forgot to thank you of all of what you do for us every year. I know that this year I demanded too many things but I would like to not do it, because that would mean that everything goes well
And with this letter one of my favourites quotes :
"while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth"